A Shadow on the Rock, Chapter 2

A Shadow on the Rock, Chapter 2

Chapter Two The trail Miss Georgia followed dipped down into a small ravine. In rainy weather, a creek meandered through, but now only a few pools of water puddled in the low places. This wet weather creek dead-ended farther back in the woods, in a cave. Miss Georgia had only been as far as the […]

What Do You Think About Freedom?

What Do You Think About Freedom?

Freedom! Millions have died to obtain it or keep it. Without it, what do we have? I’m just asking. Do we have security from fear of retaliation? Do we have the warm feeling of belonging? Do we have a feeling of superiority? From what do we want to be free? And what is worth giving […]

The Ride Was Bumpy, But Fun

The Ride Was Bumpy, But Fun

Maybe it’s because a virus has caused so much turmoil everywhere, especially in schools, or maybe it’s because I’m growing older and tend to look back sometimes, but, lately I’ve been thinking about a little one-room school my brother and I attended in northern Oklahoma– wheat, alfalfa, and cattle country. The school’s name was Valley […]

Not Even a Whisper

Not Even a Whisper

There’s not even a whisper of a breeze this morning. When I stepped out on the deck, the boards under my feet felt warm. Everything is hushed and still, as if nature is holding its breath. The sun isn’t up yet, but the birds are. Blackbirds have sort of taken over my back yard. There’s […]

Murder By Moonlight

Murder By Moonlight

I did it! Finished Murder By Moonlight, the fourth Ned McNeil cozy mystery. That is to say, I’ve gotten to the end of the book. Now begins the arduous task of editing, editing, editing. It’ll be a while. Writing Murder By Moonlight was such fun. It’s a little different, in that the book centers around […]

A Tribute to Dad

Today is Father’s Day, a day to celebrate all the dads out there. Happy Father’s Day to my son, Matt Manos, who is a super father. Just ask his children. I think of my father every day but on this day, there is a particular vacancy, because DadĀ isn’t here and I can’t hear him sing […]