Nemo Says…

Nemo Says…

Two years ago, Nemo had foot surgery. He didn’t like it, but he bore it with fortitude, hoping for a time when he could jump around on all four feet again.  Nemo has taught me a lot of valuable things: love whole-heartedly, awake each day with no worries from yesterday (except for that miserable foot),  […]

Peace and Quiet

Peace and Quiet

On the north side of my house is a happy tangle of ferns, hostas, violets and lily-of-the-valley. I call this my woods garden. For one thing, it grows without much help from me. For another, this pretty group of flowers reminds me of taking a walk through the woods. They like to sink their little […]

Wandering Wednesday Thoughts

Wandering Wednesday Thoughts

Wednesday morning and my thoughts are wandering here and there. I see walkers go up the hill and wonder about them. What are their interests, their likes and dislikes? What are their goals in life? Are they happy? Behind every person is a story–the reasons they are here, where they came from, what they hope […]

Those Mean Old Bad Reviews

Those Mean Old Bad Reviews

What do you do when you’re reveling in good book reviews, happy that your writing has brought a bit of sunshine to your readers, when, suddenly, there it is–a bad review of your beloved book. Someone didn’t like it. In fact, somebody didn’t like it so much that she felt compelled to share her distaste […]

Lightning, Thunder, Hail

Lightning, Thunder, Hail

Yesterday afternoon, we got a good, old-fashioned thunderstorm with rain! We even had a sprinkling of hail–not much, thank goodness. I’m so grateful and so are the grass and flowers. The roadside ditch where the children used to race their boats right after a rain, was a turbulent little stream. Trees were swaying, my little […]

Time and An Old Man

Time and An Old Man

  Come with me this morning on a journey–not so far in miles, but a great distance in time and quite a giant leap in imagination. We’re going to struggle through years of wild undergrowth–bushes, weeds, grape vines, wild rose bushes, blackberry briars, giant oaks, and we’ll stop at the remains of a small, wood […]