Do the first lines of a new book tell you whether you want to read the whole thing? First lines are important. So are final lines, but how about the middle? The middle of a mystery is important too. These are middle lines from my seven cozy mysteries. Can you identify the book each is […]

Sort of Eerie
·This is sort of an eerie morning. The sunrise was yellow, then clouds obscured it and rain began. Not a leaf is stirring. The nighttime cat headed across my lawn toward home a bit ago. The sky is dark now and I suspect rain is still falling softly. My furry little four-legged barometer is sticking […]

When the Light Turns Golden
·There’s something about the late afternoon, just before the supper hour, when the day is winding down and the light lies golden and still through the windows. There’s a hush, a silence in the rooms, a quiet acceptance that the day is over and soon the sun will slip beneath the horizon. What do you […]

A Trip Back
·I’m actually writing this Tuesday evening. I’ll publish it Wednesday morning, August 5. It’s really quiet here now and it’s very nearly lonely. It’s at such times that I take a trip back in memory, to a time a hundred or more years ago. In my mind, I go to the small community of Etta […]