It’s such an extraordinary thing to hear my own thoughts spoken aloud by someone else! How’d that happen, you may ask? It’s all because of audible books. I love them. My publisher is having the Ned McNeil books put into audible form. All of the four Darcy and Flora books are already available as audibles. […]

What Was That Sound?
·This morning, a strange sound woke me. At first, I didn’t recognize it. It had a nice ring to it as it plunked onto something metal outside. Another noise over-shadowed it, a soft rumble. Aha! Thunder! Rain. At last, it was raining. Now, the morning is still dark. Rain has stopped, but the clouds promise […]

Gardyloo and That Means You!
Words are like people–they have interesting backgrounds. One such word is gardyloo. It originated in France, but was used in other countries too, as a warning that something unsavory was about to happen. What, you may ask? Suppose that you were walking along the street of a European town in the year 1650. Suddenly, from […]