The Wind

The Wind

Autumn wind is a mischievous wind. It blows the leaves against my door. I sweep them, and next time I look, those leaves are there once more. It rearranges chairs on decks and scratches at my windows. Is someone there or is it a game that happens when the wind blows? Sometimes the wind blows […]

Dogs and Cats

Dogs and Cats

What do dogs and cats know that we don’t? If you have a pet, you’ve probably wondered, just as I have. Sometimes, Nemo’s ears will perk up and he’ll be on alert, looking toward the window or door. His wonderful senses, especially ears and nose clue him in to a lot that’s going on outside […]

Changing Times

Changing Times

I have an 1888 Noah Webster blue-backed spelling book. It’s fascinating to look through at the illustrations, words, and stories. Times have changed greatly and so have teaching methods, even the words we use. The book has some fables and other short stories. This is one of them: Of the Boy That Stole Apples An […]

Hope and Tomorrow

When night closes in, what would we do without the hope of tomorrow? As the sun slides westward, another day with its troubles and puzzles comes to a close, but tomorrow will be a brand new day. Perhaps problems will be solved or on the way to being solved–tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow the homeless man asking […]

Is That All?

Is That All?

I thought you might enjoy this from six years ago. Yesterday was a day of unfolding stories and learning how some stories ended. I saw and talked with  three friends from completely different backgrounds and different walks in life. I don’t see them often; in fact, I haven’t seen a couple of them in years. I caught up […]

Fall Feelings

Fall Feelings

Summer’s Afterglow The melody of autumn is played on muted strings, A symphony of wind and trees, the song September sings. The rhythm of the autumn rain is somnolent and slow; From softened skies, a lullaby in summer’s afterglow. –Blanche Day Manos September is that, isn’t it…summer’s afterglow? Each spring, leaves, flowers, grass are bursting […]