A Safe Place

A Safe Place

There are times for everyone when we need some place to be that is safe and lets us escape from reality for just a bit. It’s a place we can depend on, always at hand and easy to reach, where we can settle in and take a short break from stress or worry of any […]

A-One and A-Two, And…

Nothing dates a person like her repertoire of songs. My repertoire is  a rusty, dusty, relic of a long ago yesterday. In my school days, both as a student and as a teacher, we began the day with singing, the Flag Salute, and the Lord’s Prayer. At Valley Center, one of the best elementary schools […]

Bless Thy Creaking Bones

A Blessing for Grandmas The Lord bless thy bones that they creak not neither pop loudly when thou sittest down and when thou risest up. The Lord bless thine eyesight so that it can see the intricate workings of thy grandchildren’s technology. The Lord bless thy mind so that it understandeth the intricate workings of […]

Finding Lost Things

Finding Lost Things

My husband and I bought a 1967 Mustang brand-new, straight off the showroom floor. It was beautiful, small, shiny brown with a leather-look  brown interior and it was a V-8. That’s something rare, nowadays. Today’s cars are mostly 4-cylinder with some sort of eco-booster. Anyway, our Mustang was a neat car. But, we sold it […]


What would we do without hope? It’s more than a wish–it’s a yearning and a belief that somewhere, out in the future, things will get better. Hope rises with the sun each morning, but it doesn’t set as the sun sinks westward. Hope lives on, through even the darkest night. As the sun slid westward […]

Nemo Versus Squirrel

I’m a devoted watchdog, valiant and kind                                                                                                 […]