Hatching a Plan

Hatching a Plan

Chapter 9      On the way out of the tunnel, Abigail was in front. Both women hurried as fast as they quietly could. When they reached the end of it and stepped out of the opening into daylight, Miss Georgia breathed a sigh of relief. Abigail pulled sideways on the panel and it slid shut. […]

A Noise After Supper

A Noise After Supper

Chapter 5 Abigail kept up a continual chatter as she fixed supper. Miss Georgia offered to help. “Thank you, yes. Would you mind making your delicious pie crust? I’ll use these blackberries I canned from last summer. We’ll have a blackberry cobbler to top off our pork chops.” Miss Georgia was surprised to find how […]

The Haunted House

The Haunted House

Chapter 4 James Stone did most of the talking the next day, as he drove into town. Both Miss Georgia and Abigail were busy with their own thoughts. He boasted about his brand new Lincoln car and, truth be told, Miss Georgia found it to be much more comfortable that riding in a wagon. James […]



Our Sunday School lesson this morning was on emotions, taken from Psalm 116. We all have them–these feelings of joy, love, anger, frustration, sadness. Sometimes emotions get the upper hand, but when they do, hopefully, we will not erupt in some action that is not good. Let’s take anger, for instance. When I think of […]

Being Nosy

Being Nosy

Life has more real mysteries than a writer could ever dream up. Sometimes, there seems to be no answer, and the mystery itself is an appetizer leaving me longing for the solution.One hundred forty-five years have passed since the mystery of a ship named the Mary Celeste. No, she didn’t disappear, but everyone on board […]

Will It or Won’t It?

Will it or won’t it snow? Weather is an iffy thing–it sets one to wondering–will there soon be ice and snow? What are the signs we are to know? Hmm…the weatherman said we may have a flurry. Then, again, we may not. It’s cold this morning, but not as cold as yesterday morning. Is that […]