The Neighbor

The Neighbor

Miss Georgia smiled as she gazed around her sunny living room on that early spring morning. Her decision to move into town had been a good one. Her friend, Abigail, lived in the middle of three houses. She was on one side of Abigail, and, on the other side, a new neighbor recently moved into […]

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to all you January babies! You are important people, especially since your birthday starts off a brand new year.  The lovely and fabled garnet is your birthstone. It is said to bring greater confidence and creative thinking to its wearer. In Medieval times, it was thought to be a remedy for some diseases, […]

Murky and Mysterious

He holds his head high, looking squarely at the world without shrinking. He has not had an easy life. You can tell that he hasn’t, by the battered condition of his once handsome coat. What adventures has he known? What has he seen? What caused all those scrapes and tatters? He knows, but he doesn’t […]

Dark and Drippy

Dark and Drippy

This is another dark, drippy day. The temperature is falling and the sky is metallic gray. It’s a “lights on in every room with fireplace going” kind of day. How many of you make New Year’s resolutions? I actually don’t. Oh, I may jot down a few goals in my journal and quite a few […]

A Writer’s Resolutions

This list of resolutions is copied from a blog post of a few years back. I firmly resolve and forswear to work hard at sharpening my writing skills by never, ever writing run-on sentences unless they are called for by content of the story or one of the characters steps up and says he is […]

Mystery Solved

Mystery Solved

Chapter 10      After eating a light supper of cornbread and milk, Miss Georgia and Abigail went upstairs. Since Miss Georgia’s room was where the tunnel was, surely if the ghost started haunting again, it’d be in here. They turned out lights in the bedrooms, then both of them sat in chairs on the opposite […]