The Cave-In

Scrambling to my feet, I yelled, “Cade!”  My voice echoed eerily, bouncing off the walls until the echo faded. Oppressive silence pressed in around me. My heart hammered and I couldn’t breathe. Panic rose in my throat. I had always hated confined places and complete darkness. Would Cade know I was here? Would he be […]

Also the Ones Left Behind

Also the Ones Left Behind

This morning, I salute the noble ones, the ones who fought, bled and died for freedom, and the wives, mothers, children who stayed behind, facing each day with prayer and faith, and determination. When I see Old Glory flying or hear The Star Spangled Banner. I think of one nation, bound together in our belief […]

Fun-Filled Fancy

Let me tell you, writing a cozy mystery is fun!  In my first series, Darcy and Flora come to life. We look in on them in their hometown of Levi and learn why they are both living in the old farmhouse. We shiver at the danger they inadvertently step into and sigh with relief when […]

Not an Oak, But a Golf

Can you guess what this is?  My brother Tracy Day sent me this interesting photo a few years ago.  At a glance it looks as if the tree may be the first of its kind to sprout a golf ball. Can you imagine the run on nurseries, with golfers wanting to plant a whole orchard […]

The Way It Was

The Way It Was

Why is it that older people have a tendency to look back and remember while younger people are all about thinking toward the future? With the school year coming to a close, youngsters are looking forward to a summer of freedom with a great deal of anticipation. Come to think of it, teachers may be […]

How About Another Cup?

Let’s Have Another Cup of Coffee by blanche manos · leave a comment (edit) Many years ago, every day after school, I stopped by Mom’s house for a cup of coffee. I looked forward to those times and I think she did too. We’d sit at her kitchen table and talk, not about anything in particular, just this and […]