Drooping a Little

Drooping a Little

An early bird robin is on my front lawn. He runs a few feet, stops, and listens, looking for those early worms. He’s not as bright and shiny as he was in April. This time of year, robins have cared for one or two nests of babies and it’s a tiring business. However, he keeps […]

The Best Is Yet to Be

I have a sun dial in my flower garden. On it is an inscription from a poem by Robert Browning, “Grow Old Along With Me; The Best Is Yet To Be.” I’ve always liked that line. I suppose Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning had a wonderful marriage and did grow old together. Some of us […]

Can You Live Without It?

Freedom! Millions have died to obtain it or keep it. Without it, what do we have? I’m just asking. Do we have security from fear of retaliation? Do we have the warm feeling of belonging? Do we have a feeling of superiority? From what do we want to be free? And what is worth giving […]

Awash in a Sea of Books

Water, water, every where, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink. So said the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. I always felt so sorry for that poor sailor. What a sad picture. But, I, alas, am awash in a sea, not […]

Where’d They Go?

Where’d They Go?

Does anybody remember those lazy, hot days of summer when you were a child? Do you remember lying on your back on the grass, gazing up at the blue, blue sky and those puffy, white clouds floating lazily through? Wasn’t it fun to imagine all kinds of shapes in the clouds, a giraffe, an elephant, […]

No Buckets For Me

No Buckets For Me

A popular phrase lately is “bucket list.” This is a list of things we want to do before we kick the bucket. I do not like that term, bucket list, nor do I use it. To me, it is morbid. Not to you? Then, feel free. Why do I refuse to make a bucket list? […]