The Cane Break

The Cane Break Don’t ever go into the cane break at night When the wind is wild and the moon shines bright. When the birds are still and the river moans, And the cane stalks rattle like old, dry bones. You might encounter an Anjeofust, A strange, weird critter the color of dust, Or a […]

That Personal Touch

It is rare to call a business phone and get an actual person, but when I do, I rejoice! I realize that I’m old-fashioned and some of you young’uns won’t believe me, but I recall a time when there was an actual operator on the line who asked, “Number, please?” I also remember a time […]

Inhibitions or restraints?

  Sometimes inhibitions are good. For instance, this morning I feel like going into the yard and singing, “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!” loudly and enthusiastically. However, I won’t. That would be disturbing the peace to say nothing of causing people to wonder about my mental state. Inwardly, though, I’m singing because this is summertime. Trees […]

As the Twig Is Bent

Sometimes, Ned, Pat and Jackie are philosophers. As my friend Jane once said, good friends are doctors and scientists and, well, I’m not quoting her correctly, but most of all, friends are there for each other. So, these three have their own thoughts about what causes a person to go bad. This is from Moonstruck […]

This Was ’93

This Was ’93

Yesterday, in going through old papers and books, I found this lovely little calendar. Woman’s Day magazine used to include these pull-out calendars in their January (or was it past December?) editions. I bought the magazine mostly to get the calendar. Guess what’s especially neat? In 1993, the days of the week coincided with the […]

An Eye on the Sky

Will it or won’t it? Will it be wet or will it be dry? Be prepared with an eye on the sky. And if, by chance, we should have rain, The next day, it will rain again! Why? Well, because tomorrow is St. Swithin’s Day and that is an old, a very old legend. Who […]