Small Books

As the Morning Begins

As the morning begins and stirs to life, I listen to the distant sound of tires on the interstate and imagine people rushing to jobs. The school bus comes down the hill, carrying a cargo of lively children off to begin their second week of school. Leaves nod and stir as a squirrel jumps from […]

Shadow–An Unexpected Visit

Miss Georgia knocked on the Stone’s door and heard muttered exclamations inside. She was sure neither James Stone nor his wife was expecting anybody to drop by this late. James opened the door in overalls, shirt, and bare feet. It seemed strange not to see him dressed to the nines, as he usually was. She […]

Shadow on a Rock

Are you all ready for a reprise of one of my spur of the moment mysteries? With school starting, I’m in a bookish mood, and since I’m a retired school teacher, well, here it is…a re-run of the first Miss Georgia mystery: Miss Georgia Lee closed her valise with a snap. Standing up from her […]

A Threat on the Prairie

Sophie pointed to a large, spreading cottonwood standing like a lonely sentinel atop a knoll in the vastness of the prairie. “Oh, let’s forget about it for now and not let that miserable Tom Mott spoil a perfectly nice day. There’s a spring over there by those trees and some flat rocks. It’s a good […]

Lost in the Woods

With no warning, thunder crashed over my head. I must have jumped three feet into the air. Rain followed on the heels of the thunder, pelting me with hard, cold drops. I glanced back for the comforting sight of my SUV. All I could see were trees and more trees. Without meaning to, I had […]