This is the National Day of Encouragement. What can you say or do to encouragement someone today? Encouragement does so much more than criticism. For some odd reason, when I think of criticism, the picture of a woman springs to mind. Perhaps she is an imaginary shrew borne of reading books that had a mean, […]
What a Good Deal!
·What a good deal! Starting tomorrow, my publisher and Amazon will embark on a four-day countdown sale for the four Darcy and Flora books. It’s called a boxed set and all four books in the set are marketed together. The price will be only fifty per cent of the original for the first day. Aren’t […]
September’s Song
·Hey, all you September people, this is your month to shine, and why not shine with the lovely sapphire as your birthstone! Sapphire! It means fidelity, leadership, and angelic realms. Wow! Three beautiful flowers form a fall bouquet for you: forget-me-nots (one of my favorites), morning glory, and aster. The morning glory signifies fresh starts […]