Day of Encouragement

This is the National Day of Encouragement. What can you say or do to encouragement someone today? Encouragement does so much more than criticism. For some odd reason, when I think of criticism, the picture of a woman springs to mind. Perhaps she is an imaginary shrew borne of reading books that had a mean, […]

A Past Day with Cozy Critters

Sometimes, it’s nice to look back and remember some particularly good times. When the Cozy Critters got together, there were good times a-plenty.  This is a remembrance of one of those times, a few years ago. Good friends, all.  When four friends meet on a fall day, bringing with them their outlooks on life, the […]

What Would You Do?

What Would You Do?

Two hours later, we were dirty, tired, and discouraged. “I’m willing to call it a day,” I said, flopping down on the floor beside Ulysses who was lying down by the door.             “Same here,” Pat said. “I need a bath.”             Jackie looked around at the ruins of the living room. “There’s too much […]

What a Good Deal!

What a good deal! Starting tomorrow, my publisher and Amazon will embark on a four-day countdown sale for the four Darcy and Flora books. It’s called a boxed set and all four books in the set are marketed together. The price will be only fifty per cent of the original for the first day. Aren’t […]

September’s Song

Hey, all you September people, this is your month to shine, and why not shine with the lovely sapphire as your birthstone! Sapphire! It means fidelity, leadership, and angelic realms. Wow! Three beautiful flowers form a fall bouquet for you: forget-me-nots (one of my favorites), morning glory, and aster. The morning glory signifies fresh starts […]

More Flowers

Saturday, I went flower shopping. And, sure enough, my favorite outdoor shop had a new shipment of chrysanthemums. Hard to resist those bright, beautiful flowers, so I didn’t. I bought two smallish pots to brighten the front flower bed. Then, I noticed honeybees were really buzzing around the cone flowers or echinacea. Since I have […]