Have you seen or heard any wild geese flying over? They’re a pretty good sign of changing weather. Spring and fall, those geese fly to their new locations, giving us a warning that another season is upon us. Migration High up in the sky last night, A promise winged its wedge-shaped flight; A promise of […]
A Few Sizes Too Small
·I just got to thinking about words. We use them every day. Written or spoken, we can’t get along without them. So, with all the beautiful words to choose from, why do some of us use ugly, degrading, base words? Is it to get a reaction? To show that we’re really up with the times? […]
Welcome, Glad October
·You October people chose a wonderful month to be born. It’s a golden month, with the fragrance of apples and chrysanthemums, the time of harvest and tucking in of plants and insects readying for a winter’s sleep. Your birthstone is the fabled opal. Read about it. It has a fascinating history. And, of course, your […]
Small Courtesies, Day Brighteners
·I remember a nice surprise in my mailbox a while back. Among the bills and circulars was a small, white envelope with my name on it. Inside was a simple thank you note from my neighbor, telling me how much her little daughter liked the two children’s books I gave her. What I gave was […]

Gold Mine of Information
·Ned McNeil wanted to know about Marvie and she found the person who was a gold mine of information! Excerpt from Murder By Moonlight. It was one thing to say I wasn’t interested, but it was another to actually mean it. All that trouble at the deserted farm had happened a long time ago. Mrs. […]