A Strange, Rainy Day

A Strange, Rainy Day

A flight of fancy, a children’s story to be concluded tomorrow.



    Since we’ve been getting a lot of rain the past few days, this seemed appropriate. Published in Guide Magazine years ago.    

Winter’s Warning

Winter’s Warning

  Nature is telling us that now is the time to prepare for a change. Fall is here, but winter is coming. Somehow, birds, animals, and insects, even trees and plant life seem to know and get ready for cold weather.      

Sunday morning

This is a beautiful Sunday morning. The wind is blowing, probably going to bring in thunderstorms tonight, but today, it’s bringing in hay fever time! Sneezes, itchy eyes, runny nose. Yuk! It makes a person feel prickly and uncomfortable and irritable. All you fellow hay fever sufferers, you have my sympathy. The only good thing […]

When You Read

When you read a book, what are you expecting to find? If, within a few pages, you find misspellings, poor choice of words to describe a scene or person, one grammatical error after the other, do you keep reading?  If the author of the book lets you in on what other characters are thinking, jumping […]

An Open and Shut Case

An Open and Shut Case

To the authors who read my blog: As you write your new book, do you find that you have some chapters you prefer to other chapters? To the readers who read my blog: As you read a cozy mystery, are there chapters that stand out to you? And then, of course, there are favorite parts within each chapter. […]