An ongoing mystery: why does Nemo sit beside me when I’m at the computer, looking up at me hopefully, breathing his hot, aromatic breath on me, and staring at the black back-up box on the floor. He doesn’t want me sitting here. He dislikes this computer or the back-up box and I don’t know why. […]

Marking the Seasons
·The maple tree in my front yard is turning colors. The green in the leaves grows lighter to be replaced by yellow. The result is a tree that glows when the sun reflects off the leaves. In the back yard, the seasons are marked by the kind of leaves littering my deck and tracked onto […]

Weather Person
·Does weather affect your moods or do you go sailing through the seasons undaunted by snow, rain, or cold? Do you prefer balmy temperatures year round and escape to sunny places when possible? Weather is changeable and atmospheric pressure may affect the way we feel–I think it’s interesting to look into that possibility. Does a […]
Chills and Shivers
·This is only a flight of my wild fancy and didn’t happen at all. Darkness closed in early, drawing around the house like a curtain. Trees, bright with leaves of gold and crimson, nodded their heads, agreeing that when morning came around, much of their fall finery would cover the ground in a many-colored carpet. […]