Whether the Weather

Whether the Weather

Whether the weather turns cold or stormy or not, we have no control, and the best thing we can do is try to prepare. Rain last night, turning colder today, and possibly ice and/or snow tomorrow. One thing about it, it isn’t boring. For some reason, this very old children’s tale popped into my mind. […]

What a Character!

What a Character!

Hey! You aren’t supposed to say that! I looked at the paragraph I’d written. This character was speaking and acting…well, out of character. I had her personality planned and knew how she fit into the story I was writing, but, here she was, taking the bit in her mouth, the bull by the horns, and […]

Early Morning

It’s such a wonderful early morning. The street is clear of snow but snow still carpets lawns and roofs. Winter trees stand out, black and brown against the white, their branches woven in intricate embroidery. All is quiet. Not a car, not a person in sight. Not even an early-rising squirrel. Contrasts–black on white, stillness […]

The Groundhog and Me

Did you ever say hello to a groundhog? I did once and the result was unbelievable. You see, a groundhog lived under the garage at my house. I tried everything I could think of to make her realize she needed to find a new place to live. I mean, who wants tunnels and holes under […]

Nancy and Me

Nancy and Me

As a youngster, I learned many things from Nancy Drew that were not written on the pages of her books. I learned that Nancy was the kind of girl I would like to be.  Nancy was a magnet who attracted mysteries. To anyone else, clocks were clocks, staircases were just what they seemed; but, not […]

From a Cat’s Way of Looking At It

As you know, in By the Fright of the Silvery Moon, Ned acquires a new pet–a dog. But, she already has a cat named Penny. Penny came in Moonlight Can Be Murder. Do the dog and cat get along? Amazingly well. But, what does Penny actually think about Ned’s ability to get into trouble? I […]