That Old Saying

That Old Saying

I found this as I was shuffling through old posts. It was a fun Cozy Critter day. Remember this, Critters? I enjoyed reading it again and I hope you do too. “Go with what you’ve got” is one of those folks sayings Jane, Carolyn, Peg, and I grew up with. Jane brought a long list […]

Murder or No Murder?

Murder or No Murder?

So, did I see a squirrel murder a baby robin yesterday, or did I not? I glanced out of my window and saw a squirrel running erratically across my neighbor’s lawn, sort of zig-zagging. I could see the grass move in front of him, so it looked like the squirrel was chasing something on the […]

Invaders of the Creepy Kind

Invaders of the Creepy Kind

Ants are on my cabinet, mosquitoes at the door; Summertime has come at last. Who could ask for more? I don’t know if they are coming in to escape the rain, or if the rain is causing them to multiply. Maybe each raindrop is a tiny capsule filled with baby mosquitoes and ants. Maybe they […]

The Way of the Dinosaurs

The Way of the Dinosaurs

They sit on my bookshelf, alone and neglected. Once they were highly valued, a world of information at my fingertips. They are my beautiful set of World Book Encyclopedias, and they are as out-dated as the dinosaurs. Why are they out-dated and unused? The internet, of course. Why go to the trouble of opening a […]


Yesterday was the annual Decoration Day at our ancestral cemetery. The weather cooperated with blue skies, sunshine (lots of sunshine) and an altogether lovely Oklahoma spring day. The cemetery is well-looked after, neat and serene. Decoration Day is an annual tradition dating back into history. My grandparents came to this very same spot, year after […]

Stormy and Barmy

The weather can be stormy and barmy and last night, it was pretty alarmy. I don’t think alarmy is a word, but last night, it was alarming, for sure. Nemo and I enjoyed sitting on the deck, reading, yesterday afternoon. (I was reading, Nemo was investigating the yard.) Then, inside for supper. Not a cloud in […]