A light rain is falling. I’m pretty sure it is raining in Ireland, too, where St. Patrick’s Day originated. While I was there, rain was sometimes hard but never stormy. Each day of my visit to Ireland is a memory I store away and bring out now and then, as I do this morning. Our […]

The Magic Wand of Time
·The morning is dark and cool. We’re under a tornado watch and a flood warning. Last night’s weather was wicked in many places and I haven’t yet heard of all the damage done in Oklahoma and other states. Sunday, as we drove to the cemetery for Decoration Day, we were amazed to see evidence of […]

The Monster Roaming the Countryside
·The wind, Sunday, was a monster, tossing leaves here and there, scooting them down the street, swirling them in piles in the corners of buildings, flinging them back into the trees. It was cold, relentless, unfeeling, tugging at people’s coats, carrying away the furry hats, breathing its shivery breath down collars. It blew up […]

The House I Live In
·Yesterday, as I drove back from Oklahoma, I heard Frank Sinatra sing, The House I Live In. It’s a stirring song about America and many of the things that are right about our country. The song seemed particularly appropriate because I had just driven through some beautiful countryside and was thinking about the beauty of springtime […]