Happy first day of winter and the shortest day of the year! For those of you who are counting (and I know you are out there) the days will very slowly begin to lengthen now until around March 21, they’ll be equal in length to the nights again. Isn’t that great? My mother didn’t like […]
What a Short Day!

Cold Day, Hot Coffee, Warm Critique
Each Cozy Critter headed straight for the fireplace as she came into my house yesterday. Next stop, coffee pot, then the hundred year old table and chocolate chip cookies. You’ll understand that while all this activity was going on, we were talking non-stop. A good way to warm up a cold day. Nancy told us […]

Journal of a Rainy Season
6:22 p.m. Friday. Maybe we’ve gone into a rainy season. I am looking out of my window at raindrops dancing, bouncing, and pelting the street. This is wonderful because we’ve badly needed rain. Maybe it will extinguish the wildfires that have been all around us. It seemed like a perfect day for baking, so, bake […]

Rain and Perfect Strangers
The clouds in the west gathered force and moved toward me as I set out on a quest for a car dealership yesterday. The brochure in the mail gave the address so why couldn’t I find it? Surely it was a large establishment proudly proclaiming all kinds of beautiful automobiles. I’m sure it was there […]

Critiquing Critters
“We are sometimes like scientists discovering new ideas, doctors discussing alternative ways for treatment, critics with a gentle tongue and avid readers of all things written…but most of all…friends! and believe me, we know how to keep secrets!” This is what Jane said after our critique back on July 17. I’m pretty sure she still […]
Everything But the Ingredients
Writing is rather like baking. I take a bunch of words, mix them together, bake them in the oven of my mind (heh) and they turn into a finished product called a book. Sometimes writing is a soothing, relaxing activity. Sometimes it is frustrating beyond measure when I can’t find that elusive ingredient called “just […]