“I must have been born feeling guilty,” Pat said. I paused, my cup of mocha coffee halfway to my mouth. “Why do you say that?” Pat shook her head, staring into her hot chocolate. “I just do. Maybe it was how I was raised. I was the youngest of five children, sort of a late-in-life […]

Confessions Served with Coffee
·They used to be on shelves in groceries stores: True Story, True Romance, etc., etc. I don’t see them there any more. Are confession magazines (we called them Confessions) now a thing of the past, folded for lack of readership? When I was a pre-teen and a young teenager, those magazines were taboo. My mother would […]

I Make My Bed Each Morning
·This is a morning of confessions with the coffee. The coffee is hot and strong. The confessions? Maybe not so much. In fact, they probably don’t amount to a hill of beans to most people but, in the interest of openness and honesty, I feel that I must bare my soul. Ready? I confess that […]