What is a family to you? Who are the people in your life that you hold dearest of all? To most of us, it’s our parents, siblings, children, grandparents, grandchildren– but it can mean more than that. Darcy Campbell and Flora Tucker are family. Flora is Darcy’s mom. But, they are more than mother and […]

The Comfort of a Dear Friend
·Comfort–it’s that feeling that all is right with my world–a friendly arm around my shoulders, a snug blanket on a chilly night. I’ve always found a great deal of comfort in the familiar, predictable things–places I’ve been, people I know and love, and books that bring up happy memories. I’ve finished reading some good, exciting […]

The Comfort of Well-Chosen Words
·My mother has been gone for more than twenty years; yet, I miss her every day, even now. When the grief of her passing was new and I felt wounded and sore, I sought and found comfort in words: the words of friends, words in the Bible and other books. I found relief from pain in […]

The Comfort of Words
My mother has been gone for more than twenty years; yet, I miss her every day, even now. When the grief of her passing was new and I felt wounded and sore, I sought and found comfort in words: the words of friends, words in the Bible and other books. I found relief from pain in […]

Who Are You and Why?
Wind has swept the sky clean of clouds this morning, reminding me of the nursery rhyme, The Old Woman in a Basket. Without re-printing the whole thing, let me say, the old woman was tossed up in a basket seventeen times as high as the moon. She carried a broom to sweep the cobwebs down from the […]