Mini Ice Age?

A memorable Presidents’ Day! Mr. Washington and Mr. Lincoln, I’m sure you were accustomed to cold winters with not nearly as many ways of staying warm as we have today. Bring out the fake-fur lined caps and coats and knee boots, mittens and mufflers. Light the fireplaces, mix the hot chocolate. The temperature is minus […]

An Ode to Winter

Old Man Winter, don’t you know it’s to soon for ice or snow?                                                                        Too soon for frigid winds to blow? […]

What Happened?

What Happened?

This morning, it’s thirty degrees! Can you believe it? Wasn’t it just yesterday that we were having summer? What happened? It’s a mystery. Seasons change so quickly–or, maybe I just don’t realize they are creeping up on me. Like the years. Then, I look around and, wow! How’d this happen? I actually lit my fireplace. […]

Fall Feelings

Fall Feelings

Summer’s Afterglow The melody of autumn is played on muted strings, A symphony of wind and trees, the song September sings. The rhythm of the autumn rain is somnolent and slow; From softened skies, a lullaby in summer’s afterglow. –Blanche Day Manos September is that, isn’t it…summer’s afterglow? Each spring, leaves, flowers, grass are bursting […]

When Whippoorwills Call

When Whippoorwills Call

It is cold this morning! Cold, dark, and wet. May is nearly half gone. Shouldn’t we have warm weather? My brother tells me that whippoorwills are calling now. He lives near a wooded area and hears these nighttime, springtime birds. It’s Whippoorwill Winter. I might have known. My maple tree, just outside my window, is […]

Gone with the North Wind

Gone with the North Wind

The warm weather is gone with the north wind. Sure enough, roof tops and lawns are white with snow. This isn’t the pretty, fluffy stuff of Christmas cards, but is more like sleet–cold and frozen and there’s just a thin covering. But, sure enough, winter is winter, so what can I expect? Changing the subject […]