We are in a weather advisory area. A winter storm may be impending. Will we have snow? How much? It’s one of those forecasts that aren’t hard and fast, but wintry weather is a distinct possibility. Weather is like that–hard to pin it down to absolutes. However, pigs know. Before a cold spell, they’ll start […]

Whether the Weather
·Whether the weather turns cold or stormy or not, we have no control, and the best thing we can do is try to prepare. Rain last night, turning colder today, and possibly ice and/or snow tomorrow. One thing about it, it isn’t boring. For some reason, this very old children’s tale popped into my mind. […]

Weather Person
·Does weather affect your moods or do you go sailing through the seasons undaunted by snow, rain, or cold? Do you prefer balmy temperatures year round and escape to sunny places when possible? Weather is changeable and atmospheric pressure may affect the way we feel–I think it’s interesting to look into that possibility. Does a […]

Whippoorwill Winter?
·The maple leaves are as large as a rabbit’s ears; flowers are blooming, but, you know what? We have freezing temperatures, in the upper 20s and a possibility of snow on the way. In the early spring, we have periods of reverting to cold weather, called by various lovely names. Whippoorwill winter? Blackberry winter? Someone […]
Just a Mite Chilly
·It’s a little more than just a mite chilly here in NW Arkansas this morning. I think that fifteen degrees below zero must be a record. A friend, a Cozy Critter, in a near-by Arkansas town is even colder and that’s not counting wind chill. So, what’s happening? Has the great frozen North Pole moved […]