The sign of fall ending that I watch for each year–the white mulberry tree is dropping its leaves. The white mulberry by my driveway keeps most of its leaves while maple and oak leaves are falling. Oh, it sheds a few here and there. But, suddenly, one day something tells it that now is the […]

Feb 12, 2021
Not Really Balmy
·Happy birthday, Mr. Lincoln! Just in case anybody thinks he and President Washington were born on the same day, different years, let me tell you it isn’t true. Let’s not forget the good things this sixteenth President did. And, let’s remember his birthday is February 12. Always has been and always will be. In honor […]

Feb 6, 2020
Just a Hint of Snow
·Trees, yard, deck are dusted with snow this morning. Just a bit. It looked pretty as it fell last night, but it wasn’t nearly the inches of snow other places got. I remember walking home from the school bus when I was a child. The bus let my brother and me out at the start […]