January can be a bleak month. It’s winter. It’s cold. Trees are bare. Grass looks like it has forgotten the word green. We’ve had a few days of comparative warmth and sunshine but now, a polar vortex is aimed squarely at us and is barrelling this way. Blah. Nemo and I are blessed with a […]
Rattle of Ice
Ice rattles on leaves this morning as freezing rain falls. Of all winter weather, this is my least favorite kind. I wonder about the birds. Do they have thickets to hide in? I think a well-placed frozen raindrop on a feathered head just might do it in. There’s no wind. The trees stand stiff and […]

·February babies have reason to celebrate. You share your birth month with Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan. Your birthstone is the lovely Amethyst and your flowers are the violet and primrose. If you had lived during the Victorian era, a gift of violets meant that you’d always be true. Primroses signified that […]

·Trees, grass, all are frozen this morning. This is treacherous ice, silent and invisible. But, it’s there. Roads are coated and schools are closed. There is no walking or driving on it. Try it and one misstep and it’s a sudden meeting with the ground. The only living things stirring are squirrels and birds, picking […]
Whatever the Weather
Remember the children’s story about the sun and the cold wind and the bet they had? An old man was trudging down the road in the wintertime and the wind, boisterous and braggy, bet the sun that he could blow the old man’s coat off whereas the sun didn’t have that power. So, he blew […]