Whichever Way the Wind Blows

After a spring-like day yesterday, today we are back into winter. I heard the change roar in around 11:30 last night. Things outside began banging or rolling or whistling. I have never liked hearing the wind. My sympathy is with the animals in that. Wind makes them nervous and I can understand why. I’ve heard […]

Only in My Imagination

Writers have to have a pretty good imagination but many people having a good imagination are not writers. Imagination is a gift–if used in the right way. The dictionary says imagination is the ability to come up with new and creative ideas. I would add, “flights of fancy”. Fiction is the result of somebody’s imagination, […]

Song of the Lark

Song of the Lark

Inspiration–writers get it, need it, thrive on it, and sometimes it is as elusive as a passing thought. Not only writers–we all are inspired by others, by deeds, by heroism, or…by pictures! On my desk is a very small replica of a very famous painting, “Song of the Lark” by Breton. I don’t know much […]

Carnival Cat

Carnival Cat

This morning, as I sit in my warm home, enjoying its comfort and a hot cup of caramel drizzle coffee, my meandering mind turns to cats. “Cats?” you may well ask because the only pet I have is a dog, drowsing on the carpet near-by, but in the past, I have made the acquaintance of […]

A Little Thing Called Hope

A Little Thing Called Hope

I call it the umbrella tree because in the summertime when I stand under the tree during a shower, I stay dry. The limbs are so twisted and there are so many of them, the leaves grow so thickly and profusely, that the ancient tree is like a natural umbrella, sheltering the person beneath it. […]


This morning’s word of the day which showed up in my email was “Cockney”. This refers to people who live in the East End of London and the way they speak. I started to wonder why people from different areas speak as they do. We speak English but we sure don’t sound like the people […]