A Dab of Yellow Sunshine

A Dab of Yellow Sunshine

The wind is roaring in the treetops this morning. I don’t know if I’ve told you this, but I do not like to hear the wind. Also, the temperature is warm and we have a 40% chance for rain. That must mean that spring is near and it’s time to start being on alert for tornado […]

In the Wee, Small Hours of the Morning

Do you ever wake up in the wee, small hours of the morning, and find thoughts running through your head that wouldn’t be there any other time of the day? It’s as if in the busyness of daylight hours, my mind is full of the activities or worries or demands of the day, but in […]

When Characters Misbehave

“The North Wind doth blow, and we shall have snow. And, what will the robin do then, poor thing? He’ll sit in the barn to keep himself warm, and hide his head under his wing, poor thing.” Yesterday I saw two robins. It is far too early! Robins came back too early last year too. […]

Wednesday Wanderings

Wednesday Wanderings

My Minneapolis niece sent me a link to a coffee recipe. It sounds delicious. Thanks, Missy. I’ll reprint the link here, in case any of you would like to try it: http://m.landolakes.com/recipe/1425/hearts-afire-coffee. What could be better than a warm fireplace, a good book, and a cup of this coffee? To my friends in the Southeast: please […]

Secrets in a Victorian House

Secrets in a Victorian House

And still snow covers the ground. I wonder if the brown grass under this weight of snow and ice is longing to see a bit of sunshine? Weather is interesting, and I am glad that it is not entirely predictable. Will we have snow today? Will the sun shine? Will the temperature rise above freezing? […]

Enjoying the Day

Enjoying the Day

Yesterday, my camera and I went exploring. This first picture actually was taken through my back patio door and it was not a cardinal this time, but a bluejay who was contemplating life from the bird feeder.  And then, a junco or snow bird happened to pause a moment to consider whether he should keep […]