Monday Meanderings

Monday Meanderings

When April showers may come your way They bring the flowers that bloom in May So when it’s raining have no regrets Because it isn’t raining rain you know It’s raining violets This Judy Garland song by Silvers and DeSylva would certainly fit this morning. A gentle rain is falling and, sure enough, wild violets […]

Holding Up Our Hands

“But you, be strong and do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded!” (2 Chronicles 15:7 NKJV) What an encouragement when I was reading Scripture yesterday morning! At times, I wonder why I write. The rewards seem to be mostly intrinsic and, believe me, sometimes I get tired. I am […]

Tuesday Tidbits and Thunderstorms

Tuesday Tidbits and Thunderstorms

This tiny wildflower has finally made its appearance in lawns across this part of the country. I used to call them Johnny Jump-Ups but my mother gently informed me the small, four-petaled bloom is a bluet. They carpeted the hill east of the house at Manos Meadows. They are here in NW Arkansas too  and […]

Monday Morning Meanderings

Monday Morning Meanderings

Sprigs of yellow sunshine, known as forsythia, are announcing to one and all that spring is here. I tend to believe them, at least for now. True to the old saying, March did come in like a lion and it’s going out as meek and mild as a lamb. Of course, a niggling thought slips […]

Family, Friends, and Fiction

Having a brother is nice. Having two brothers is twice as nice. As I write, I draw upon my brothers’ experiences and knowledge quite a bit. Tracy is a geology major and if I want to know about rock formations that might contain gold or silver, or the kind of rock that is most likely […]

Spring Is  So Iffy!

Spring Is So Iffy!

Yesterday morning began cold and, as far as I’m concerned, the whole day was cold. Oh, the sun shone, looking deceptively spring-like but, step outside, and zap! The cold wind got me. The only thing to do on such a day was to light the fireplace and enjoy the sunshine by looking out at it. […]