More rain is forecast today. My grass is going wild with joy! Flowers are refreshed, and trees nod their heads like ancient sages who know the secrets of the ages. Just about anything goes better with a rainy day, including books, reading, writing, and cozy critiques. Today is the day for a few of us […]
Sauntering into Sunday
·Do you ever wake up with so many jumbled thoughts going through your head that it’s difficult to sort them out into anything meaningful? That’s me this morning! So, bear with me while I shuffle through and list them in no particular order. Happy Birthday to The Star Spangled Banner, 200 years old today and still […]
A Safe Place
·Everyone needs a safe place, or maybe more than one. In this section of the country, we all need a safe room or a cellar when tornadoes threaten. In church Sunday, we discussed the word “Sanctuary”. To me, that has always meant a safe place. Maybe that’s why we call the part of our church […]
The Mystery of a Cup of Coffee
You’ll pardon me this morning, if I’m a bit scattered. My publisher just sent the cover picture for Barbara’s and my second Darcy and Flora Cozy Mystery. So far, I’ve seen two possible covers, one for Grave Shift and this one for The Cemetery Club. Kelsey is a talented artist and is rendering some eye-catching […]
Have Books, Will Travel
When a writer completes a book, she heaves a great sigh of relief. Something like 60,000 words are written, re-written, read, re-read, edited and re-edited. It’s finished. Right? Wrong! As the song by The Carpenters goes, “We’ve Only Just Begun”. Because, dear readers, next comes marketing. Once, I was a shy, bashful, blushing young gal who […]
One Faded Road
·The other day, I happened to be in an area that contained a lot of history: a house that was once the hub of a community, beautiful, old trees that had looked down on violent actions and peaceful scenes, and the remains of a very old road that once led to Tahlequah. This track led […]