Updates and Outlook

Updates and Outlook

An update on the homeless dog I mentioned yesterday. I phoned the Humane Society of Tahlequah and reported him and they went out to search for him. They took food and water and left it so there is hope. Maybe he will find the food and water and maybe, just maybe, he will find a […]

Launching the Mysteries

Launching the Mysteries

One of the best places to give a book talk is among people you like and those who like you. That’s where I was yesterday at the senior luncheon. After eating, Milly introduced me and I told the group about my three Darcy and Flora cozy mysteries, The Cemetery Club, Grave Shift, and Best Left […]

Coffee, Candy, and Critique

Coffee, Candy, and Critique

It’s that time again–one of my favorite days in the month. It’s time for another cozy critique and a gathering of all the cozy critters. We’ll read, listen, offer suggestions, share triumphs and maybe a few tears, and talk about the world of words. And, of course, I’ll tell them more about my trip to Ireland. […]

Characters, Curiosity and Coffee

With the release date of The Cemetery Club, Grave Shift, and Best Left Buried peeking over the horizon, I am becoming more excited about their launch into the world of books. Writing is fun! And a lot of that fun is in establishing the characters, giving them personalities, and introducing them to the reader. I […]

Coffee With Words, Please

Coffee With Words, Please

Yesterday’s blog was about words and their power. Later that day, my co-author Barbara Burgess and I sat down with a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll and talked.  Words, like the coffee and good fellowship, flowed. With the publication date of our three Darcy and Flora cozy mysteries nearing, it was time to […]

Reading, Writing, and Rain

Reading, Writing, and Rain

The first cup of Folgers is always the best. I like the fragrance of fresh-brewed coffee as well as I like the taste. Rain drips steadily from the eaves. The morning is dark and damp. It would be a good morning to go back to sleep except I have things to do and once I’m up, I’m […]