Each year, the provider for my website, Jetpack, sends a run-down of what went on in this blog during the past year. It is interesting and thought-provoking. Can you believe Jetpack logged 12,000 visits to my site? For example, the busiest day was July 1 with 461 visits. And, of the seven days of the week, […]
A Day to Remember
·October 31, as well as being Halloween, was also Reformation Day, in honor of Martin Luther’s Reformation of the Church. If you’ve never read a history of Martin Luther, let me say he was an extremely courageous man, devoted and determined. And then November 1 was Authors’ Day! What an opportune time to launch Moonlight […]
A Harvest of Years
Yesterday was one of those rare, golden days, a day when I reaped the bounty of years gone by. Dad planted some grape vines a long time ago; I don’t even remember how many years ago. Yesterday, I gathered what he had painstakingly planted. His great-grandchildren will be beneficiaries of those lovely grapes made into jelly. That’s, let […]
Two Squirrels and a Cup of Coffee
·Out on the freshly mowed lawn, two squirrels are getting their plans made for the day. Suddenly, one bounds, I mean really long leaps, toward the pin oak tree in the yard. The other scampers in the opposite direction and shinnies up the maple. Did they have a disagreement? Did they decide upon a parting of […]
Not What It Seems
I woke up this morning expecting to see another clear day dawning, as yesterday was. Instead, the sky is pewter gray, snow still covers rooftops and lawns and, actually, the weather looks as if more snow is on the way. If a very red sunrise is any indication, the day will be wintry. Does anyone […]
Coffee, Candy, and the Cozy Critique
What could be cozier than a blaze in the fireplace, sparkling Christmas lights, plenty of hot coffee and a supply of candy and cookies? Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? But the real life of the party were Helen, Jane, Peg, and Nancy who joined me around the old cherry wood table yesterday. I think our […]