Last night I was treated to a light show that only nature could provide. A thunderstorm was in progress and, even if I hadn’t seen the warning on the computer, I would have had a pretty good idea that it was a doozy. Thunder crackled and boomed and rain splatted on the deck. It was […]

Weather Person
·Does weather affect your moods or do you go sailing through the seasons undaunted by snow, rain, or cold? Do you prefer balmy temperatures year round and escape to sunny places when possible? Weather is changeable and atmospheric pressure may affect the way we feel–I think it’s interesting to look into that possibility. Does a […]

Dry Thunderstorm
·Last night, we had another dry thunderstorm–the second one this month. According to what I’ve read, these are common in western states during late spring and early summer, but, for goodness sake! Arkansas is not west. I’d just as soon not have them. Caused by excessive heat and dry air, they present a lot of […]

Clouds Without Water
·Saturday night, we had a strange storm. The weatherman was telling of significant weather watches, and I could see clouds moving in. Then, along about dark, I heard thunder getting closer. And, closer. At last, it was booming right overhead. Lightning flashed followed by loud reports. I was sure we’d get rain. Guess what? Nary […]
Coffee and a Cloudy Day
·The last day of April is forecast to go out with a fanfare–a roll of thunder and heavenly lighting–lightning, that is. Right now, the sky is simply cloudy. But, the coffee is especially good this morning. Is there something about rain being in the forecast that enhances the taste of coffee? Robins are busy outside […]

After Yesterday’s Shaking, There’s Today
It’s wonderful to see the sun come up, to feel the ground solid beneath my feet, to know the continuity of familiar things, to have the gift of today. Yesterday’s earthquake is now a memory and I hope it won’t be repeated. Funny thing–when the firm, dependable earth suddenly quivers, it gives a whole new meaning to […]