As my publisher often says, encouragingly, “Onward.” So, I’ll just do this little bit of looking back at yesterday and then move on, ever nearer a new year. It was such a blessing to worship with my family yesterday. The day started with brunch at their church then we sang good, old-fashioned carols and heard […]
The Warmth of Christmas
·From my heart to yours, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day filled with joy, peace, love, and hope. Thank you for being with Darcy, Flora, Ned, and me for another year. I look forward to what the future holds for all of us.
My Gifts to You at Christmas
“Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, give I thee,” (Acts 3:6). So saying, Peter and John, specially blessed by God, gave a lame man the gift of walking. I have no miraculous abilities, but I do have a heart of gratitude: of thankfulness to God for the gift of His […]
Of Squirrels and Chocolate Fudge
·Glancing out of my window at a movement across the street, I saw a squirrel galloping…not scurrying nor scampering, but in a full-fledged gallop toward the maple tree in my neighbor’s yard. His frantic pace was not the only thing different about the squirrel–the tip of his tail was white. Never, in all my years, […]
Tuesday Morning Medley
With all the reports from friends of lovely things baking, I am convicted. Today, I must at least stir up some chocolate fudge. I like the old-fashioned kind that’s just cocoa, sugar, vanilla, butter, and milk. It isn’t hard at all, just takes a long time and when it reaches soft-ball stage, it requires a […]