The Christmas Barn The 200-year old barn sat empty and lonely. No longer did horses stamp their feet inside his walls; cows didn’t warm the stalls with their breath; no sheep snuggled against each other to sleep the night away. The barn missed these animal friends. He missed the chickens who used to gossip […]
·Christmas is a time for traditions. One that I particularly like is lighting the Advent calendars. We started this practice several years ago. A grandchild lights a candle each Sunday leading up to Christmas as we read the appropriate Scripture and discuss the meaning of the four words and four candles, Hope, Peace, Joy, Love. […]
Buz and the Star
·Buz the Fox You see, it might have happened this way: once upon a time, about two thousand years ago, some foxes dwelt in the hill country and plains around Bethlehem. I hate to tell you this, but it was their custom to follow, at a discreet distance, the flocks of sheep that shepherds […]

Did the Innkeeper Ever Know?
·I like to think about the people in the stable the night the Lord Jesus was born. Did the innkeeper feel a twinge of sympathy as Joseph asked for lodging and was told there was no room for them? Did he ever, in future years, realize he had assigned the King of Kings to a […]

A Little Cedar and a Big Storm
·Fierce winds tugged at Little Cedar. His scrawny boughs bent and swayed but he dug his roots deeper and hung onto the rock buried beneath the mountain soil. “The wind is so cold,” said Little Cedar. He shivered from his topmost limb to the bottom of his twisted trunk. “It must be nearly Christmas […]

A Tale of a Magnificent Tail (and how it got to be that way)
This is the shortest day of the year. In fact, according to those who know, it arrived at 4:44 a.m. CST. I was awake to welcome this momentous moment. True to custom, as I have every year for a while, I’m going to present the story of Buz the Fox. It’s a Christmas story and […]