Today, I’d like to offer an imaginary armload of flowers to the stay-at-home mom. In doing so, I do not, in any way, diminish the role of mothers who hold down an outside job and yet are successful in their primary role of being mothers. There are many women who handle both jobs efficiently. My […]
I Wonder Sometimes–Do You?
·I met a former student and her mother coming out of a store here in town. I thought the mom looked familiar and when I saw the Oklahoma car tag, I asked if they were from Tahlequah. “Yes,” she answered. I told her my name and asked if she had a little girl in my […]

Drowsy September Morning
·My street is waking up this morning. Daylight lengthens; shadows grow fainter while treetops turn golden from the rising sun. My thoughts, too, are stirring slowly, thinking about the day before me. Another mystery beckons, but I wonder…should I continue with the fifth Ned McNeil moonlight mystery or should I branch out with a new […]

Manaen, Man of Mystery
I first published this piece on Manaen several years ago. Since that time, I have not learned anything else about him. Manaen still remains a mysterious person in the New Testament, but an intriguing one. I came across an intriguing name in Acts 13:1– Manaen. As far as I know, this man is not mentioned […]

Right Thing, Wrong Place
·Doing something really dumb is not always confined to the human race. Have you ever done the right thing but chosen the wrong place to do it? Sometimes we all goof, even our wild, feathered friends. Yesterday, I was checking out my water fountain and there, floating in the pool, was the broken shell of […]