Pete the peg-legged pirate lived on the sea. He had a wooden leg beginning just below his knee. A bright and mouthy parrot sat upon his shoulder Who was at least as old as Pete or maybe even older. Pete had a trusty gang of men as gnarly as they come, They lived on fish […]
Pete the Peg Legged Pirate
What Happened With the Night Before?
The Night Before Christmas is a beloved story/poem by Clement C. Moore, first published in 1823. It is a classic, a favorite of children, and one of my favorite children’s books too. But, I wondered, how would it have sounded if Mr. Moore had not told the story in rhyme? What if he had just […]

A Strange, Rainy Day Concluded

The Approach of Ginger Ed
Today is part 2 of the mini-mystery for children I posted yesterday. Tomorrow, I’ll finish it up and then do a short critique of what I could have done that would have made the story better. “I guess I’d better tell you, Nellie Sue,” Grandma said in her soft voice. “Ginger Ed has escaped from prison […]

A Scattering of Footprints
Looking back at what I’ve written through the years, I find a strange paper trail of four main interests: fiction, poetry, songs, articles. Many examples show up within each category and yes, indeed, it is a paper trail because I began writing long before my desk ever boasted of holding a computer. Interesting letters of […]

Squirrel Wisdom
Yesterday, when I wrote about the rain and how it inspired me to bake chocolate chip cookies, a pie crust, and stir up some fudge, I was reminded of one of my favorite children’s books, Thunder Cake. Have any of you parents or grandparents or retired teachers ever read it to your children? When Sara was […]