A Leprechaun Comes to Kindergarten

A Leprechaun Comes to Kindergarten

“God needed laughter in the world, So he made the Irish race, For they can meet life with a smile And turn a happy face.” –from The Book of Irish Blessings, author unknown. A green mist seemed to shimmer in the sunlight that streamed through the window as I walked into my kindergarten classroom on […]

The Canebrake

The Canebrake

This is a reprint from a few years back. I remember when I read it to my Cozy Critters and they were wondering what sort of animal would begin with the letter Y. Canebrake ABC’s Red ants, black ants marching all together, through a canebrake by the river in the lovely summer weather. Many-colored butterflies drift or dream […]

The Not So Nice Mice

A Fable By Blanche Day Manos The hundred year-old barn was home to a cow, a rooster, some hens, and a mule who pulled a plow. The days they spent in working; each one did its best, and when the sun sank from the sky, the animals wanted rest. But, when evening fell across the […]

I’ll Bet When You Were in Kindergarten…

I’ll Bet When You Were in Kindergarten…

I’ll bet when you were in kindergarten, you were a real stinker–the kind that caused your teacher to pull her hair and your classmates to giggle. You know why? Because some of those traits still linger, hanging about your personality like so many threads dangling from a well-worn jacket. These were my thoughts this morning […]

The Christmas Barn

The Christmas Barn

This is a repeat from last year. I hope you enjoy it. The Christmas Barn The 200-year old barn was empty and lonely. No longer did horses stamp their feet inside his walls; cows didn’t warm the stalls with their breath; no sheep snuggled against each other to sleep the night away.      The barn […]

Those Paper Sack Vests

This morning, my mind drifts back quite a few years to headbands and paper sack vests. Kindergarteners and Thanksgiving! It was a fun time and I have no idea whether children still do this or whether it is now frowned on, but we celebrated Thanksgiving, Pilgrims, and Indians. In the process, we learned some American […]