Several years ago, I posted this poem about the swing in my back yard. My grandchildren liked him but they soon outgrew him and then I gave him away so other girls and boys could enjoy him. But, I still remember that swing and I’ll bet my grandchildren do too. .The Old Tire Horse The […]

The Dinner Table
What has happened to the family dinner table? Is it there somewhere in the dining room, feeling lonely and neglected? In my opinion, it should be the focal point of togetherness. I’m privileged to have my mother’s dining table. It is well over a hundred years old, rescued from obscurity when she saw it on […]
The A, B, Cs of Wild Critters
·As I wrote this, I drew a few pictures to illustrate, but what I really had was a vision of a large, published picture book for little ones who might enjoy it. If you’ve never seen river cane, let me tell you that it resembles bamboo, is tall and straight and very tough. It makes […]
The Easter Egg Tree
The following story is an excerpt from The Heritage of Etta Bend, a story my mother told me about her childhood in northeast Oklahoma. The “I” is my mother, Susie Latty Day. Mom told me this story and I wrote it to be included in The Heritage of Etta Bend in 1989. It was spring, […]
Warm and Comforting
Do you ever enjoy going to some place warm and secure and comforting? I do. Sometimes, I retreat into childishness and have a doughnut (or two or three) and a cup of hot chocolate. I read or write a children’s story and there I am until I feel grown-up enough to take on the world […]