

I can see her as a little girl, dark hair in braids, running down that dusty road at Etta, hoeing weeds out of the garden, her bonnet dangling down her back, or picking wildflowers for a spring bouquet. She was the middle child in the Latty family, the mischievous one who was always busy but […]

Trying to Decide About Decisions

Trying to Decide About Decisions

Decisions–we can’t get through life without making them. Some decisions are fun, like deciding on the color of a dress or whether to plant impatiens or begonias. Some decisions can be changed–the dress and flowers, for instance. But some decisions are pretty much forever and have far-reaching consequences. A few choices we are called upon […]

Grandma Blessings Through the Years

Grandma Blessings Through the Years

A lot of blessings come along with being a grandma. The biggest blessing is grandchildren–those little guys and gals who remind us of our own children when they were that age. Grandmas have time to listen to what happened at school and they don’t scold when an exuberant grandchild runs through the house. Grandmas admire works of […]

The Girl and the Grumpy Old Goat

When I was a child, my parents, younger brother and I lived for a time on a farm far back in the woods. Trees and bushes and thickets surrounded our house and barn. This is the same place that had the long driveway which was a good race track for a black horse and me. […]

Meditations of a Mysterious Mind

I thought about calling this post “ruminations” but one meaning of that word is to think seriously or deeply and another meaning is a cow chewing her cud slowly, swallowing, burping and chewing again. I don’t much care for the picture of me chewing over my thoughts. And I’m not sure my meditations are that […]

Good morning

This morning I woke up before the sun (naturally). Robins are the first ones I hear each morning, singing their little “cheer up” song. In fact, it seems that the town is full of robins chirping in the dark. Maybe it’s just that the world is a quieter place early of a morning and I […]