Myrtle, Minerva, and Maude were three good friends. Each week, they met at one of their houses to share tea, a bite of something sweet, and the latest news. Myrtle was a beautiful hen with red feathers; Minerva was equally lovely in feathers of brown and Maude’s feathers were a gorgeous, snowy white. To be […]
Three Good Friends
Myrtle, Minerva, and Maude were three good friends. Each week, they met at one of their houses to share tea, a bite of something sweet, and the latest news. Myrtle was a beautiful hen with red feathers; Minerva was equally lovely in feathers of brown and Maude’s feathers were a gorgeous, snowy white. To be […]

Not a Malady, But Maybe a Syndrome
·I looked up the word syndrome in the thesaurus and it doesn’t sound like a good thing to have, sort of like the flu. I beg to differ with its definition of malady. Rather, I think the word syndrome means a symptom or a defining characteristic. That description sounds much better to me. So, let me tell […]

The Mother Hen Syndrome
I looked up the word syndrome in the thesaurus and it doesn’t sound like a good thing to have, sort of like the flu. I beg to differ with the definition of malady. Rather, I think the word syndrome means a symptom or a defining characteristic. That description sounds much better to me. However it is defined, […]

Muddled Thoughts in Passing
·I haven’t finished my first cup of Folgers yet so my thoughts are understandably muddled, sort of here and there and nowhere in particular. Continuing the weather story from yesterday–the temperature kept dropping and dropping. Wind blew, sailing colored leaves like air-born boats before it. Cold! No rain, though. If some had planned to head […]