Thanks to Sharon Mierke for allowing me to guest blog on Cozy Cat Chronicles. It’s an attractive site and Ned McNeil and I are privileged to be featured. Come, take a look. It also spotlights the cover of By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. I love history and I love a good mystery. This […]

A Question of Murder
·As you know, I’ve written four cozy mysteries, some with co-author Barbara Burgess, some, alone. Below are things that happened in the four cozies, The Cemetery Club, Grave Shift, Best Left Buried, Moonlight Can Be Murder. See if you can match the scenes below to the appropriate book. Her uncle lay in the laundry room […]
And Now, Let Me Introduce You…
·This morning, I have given full rein to my imagination. Please suspend reality with me and travel to Levi, Oklahoma, during a cold, snowy winter. Darcy Campbell, the lead character in Barbara’s and my mother/daughter sleuths trilogy, is going to introduce you to a few of the characters you will meet in her latest cozy […]
·Yesterday was one of those rare, glorious weather days in Northwest Arkansas and Northeast Oklahoma. It was a perfect day for a small excursion to the town of five generations of my family, the capital of the Cherokee Nation, Tahlequah. Trees were just beginning to turn colors, warmed by the sun in a cloudless sky. […]

The Way We Look at Things
·My sister-in-law Linda and I found these old glasses in their case when we were cleaning out Mom and Dad’s storage room. I know two things about them: they are old and I like them a lot. They did not belong to my parents and I’m guessing some previous owner of the house and storage […]
Because of Them
·Before beginning this post on the fun and importance of keeping written records of your children or grandchildren, I want to say a prayer of gratitude to God for the freedom we have in the United States of America and a prayer of thanks for those brave men who died during all our wars to […]