Language, like everything else, changes with time. Sometimes I’m brought up short by realizing a word that I’ve used all my life doesn’t make sense to a younger generation. I’m out-of-date, not hip, and am an old fuddy-duddy. Never should I say my sofa is a davenport. By the way, I don’t make long-distance calls […]
In the Last Century
Come with me for a trip into history and delve into a 1921 issue of The Etude, Presser’s Musical Magazine. I’m not sure where I bought this magazine but it’s fascinating because it’s from a much different era of America. Woodrow Wilson was President that year; that is, until March 4 when Warren G. Harding […]
Dear Me, Santa!
·Mrs. Claus: Are you feeling better, Dear? How about a nice, hot cup of coffee? Santa (throwing back the quilts and rolling out of bed): Just what I need. The trip was hard this year. Mrs. Claus: Did the reindeer behave? Was the sleigh over-loaded? Did you face a head-wind? Santa: Yes, no, and no. […]
Sunday morning
·This is a beautiful Sunday morning. The wind is blowing, probably going to bring in thunderstorms tonight, but today, it’s bringing in hay fever time! Sneezes, itchy eyes, runny nose. Yuk! It makes a person feel prickly and uncomfortable and irritable. All you fellow hay fever sufferers, you have my sympathy. The only good thing […]

Changing Times
·I have an 1888 Noah Webster blue-backed spelling book. It’s fascinating to look through at the illustrations, words, and stories. Times have changed greatly and so have teaching methods, even the words we use. The book has some fables and other short stories. This is one of them: Of the Boy That Stole Apples An […]