Yesterday was the annual Decoration Day at our ancestral cemetery. The weather cooperated with blue skies, sunshine (lots of sunshine) and an altogether lovely Oklahoma spring day. The cemetery is well-looked after, neat and serene. Decoration Day is an annual tradition dating back into history. My grandparents came to this very same spot, year after […]

Catching Up With Two Sleuths
·An Interview with Darcy and Flora Roving Reporter: Thank you, Darcy and Flora, for taking time out of your busy day to talk to me about your first venture into a life-threatening situation. I’m happy you came through in one piece. Flora: We almost didn’t come through in one piece. You should have seen […]

A Wish Written in Stone
·Oklahoma and Arkansas have interesting, sometimes violent histories. History isn’t dead or dull; it is part of where we are today and how we came to be this way, and it’s fun to go exploring, backward, into the lives and times of those who lived and died before us. Just across the state line […]

Stories Lie Buried in Every Cemetery
In the book of life, yesterday’s page has been filled. Tomorrow’s page is a mystery. All we have is today–a fresh, white page and we hold the pen — Flora Tucker. In all four of the Darcy and Flora cozy mysteries, cemeteries are front and center. I don’t think any of the books are morbid, do you? […]

Winter Is Here Again?
Or maybe it never left. Like the bears and the groundhog, winter may have been only hibernating and it’s about to wake up and roar at us. At least, the weatherman hinted at something like that. The Farmer’s Almanac has some pretty neat winter sayings. Here are a couple I particularly like: One kind word […]

Love from the Refrigerator
·I don’t know what your refrigerator looks like but mine is a hodge podge–I’m talking about the outside, of course. Pictures of family through the years, of friends, cartoons or clever sayings. But, believe me, each piece of memorabilia is there for a very good reason! Sara’s and Nathan’s pictures and Dayla’s children pictures and cards […]