This is probably the strangest Palm Sunday any of us has seen. Church buildings are closed and we can’t meet together to celebrate the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. However, we’re reminded that the church is not the building, it’s the people. We can still celebrate in our homes and thank the Lord that Jesus […]

Frosty Roofs, Warm Hearths
·The sun shines on white, frosty roofs this morning. No matter the color of the shingles, they all look the same–cold! But, under the frigid rooftops, inside the house, I hope there is warmth and love and comfort. Just in case we have forgotten, this is Presidents’ Day, but it isn’t the birthday of […]

Does Monotonous Rhyme With Homogeneous?
·Happy Columbus Day! I know that it is actually October 12, but a decree has gone out to turn Mondays into official government celebration days. Who made the decree? I don’t know. Remember the rhyme we learned in school, “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue?” Remember the names, the Nina, the Pinta, and […]