Whichever Way the Wind Blows

Whichever Way the Wind Blows

Yesterday the wind blew like a storm all day! Usually, it was twenty-five miles per hour but there were gusts of up to fifty mph. Grass fires were a danger. In fact, even as I went to bed last night, I smelled smoke. I do not like a strong gale. Some people say it invigorates […]

An Interview with a Cat

An Interview with a Cat

A curious reporter, out to get a story, shows up in Ednalee, Oklahoma. She wants to interview Nettie Elizabeth Duncan McNeil (Ned) about her return to Ednalee and her plans for the future but, alas, Ned is not home. However, Penny the small gray cat who shares her home with Ned, is sitting sedately on […]

Mid-Summer Meanderings

Mid-Summer Meanderings

Summer – is it at its zenith or is it on its way out? It seems that plants and animals, the very air, have a different feel about them, a sort of sleepiness, sort of lolling in the warmth but with an eye to shorter days and the next season. It’sĀ fun to notice the behavior […]