I was hoping that Hurricane Francine would throw some nice showers into dry Arkansas. I’m not sure about the rest of the state but here in the northwest corner, we got hardly a trace. Not enough to register in my rain gauge. However, did the disappointment from Francine keep me from continuing with Miss Tootsie […]
A Mystery Solved?
Agnes wrapped her arms around herself as she sat at the table. Try as she might, she couldn’t stop shaking and she didn’t think she’d ever be warm again. The sheriff opened his hand and let fall a small, circular object onto the table. Candlelight glinted on gold beneath the accumulated grime. Agnes […]

Meandering Thoughts on Animals
·It’s fun to notice the behavior of animals and wonder just how much they know. In looking back at a past post, I found this from my neighbor Peg: She was watering a lilac bush and she noticed a hummingbird flying in the spray. Afraid that the force of the water would hurt the fragile […]

A Tip From a Cat
·Storms and rain hold a prominent place in my cozy mysteries, and, if it’s not rain, it’s snow! I love weather and the only way I can have the kind of weather I love best is to write it into my books. So, I do. Cats and rain and mysteries seem to go together very […]

What Ghost?
Agnes shook her head. “So, Mildred bought a house that was haunted? If she truly believed that, why would she do such a dumb thing? Clara sipped her tea. “Of course, she didn’t know that, at the time.” Agnes chuckled. “So, who or what is supposed to haunt this place? And, by the […]

Lazy Summer
·Lazy Summer by Blanche Manos Slumber softly, summer cat, Dozing in the sunbeams, Needing neither rhyme nor reason To be one with the season, Tawny, yawny, warm and mellow, Sun-drenched days and cat of yellow, Loving lazy daydreams.