He moves on four white, silent feet along my neighbor’s sidewalk, this quiet, watchful newcomer. He sits on the porch a while, thinking about things. Where did he come from? Where is he going? Is he just out for a morning stroll or is he on a mission? Cats are secret, mysterious creatures. They keep their […]
A Grim Discovery
·“Clara!” she screamed, beating on the wall. “Clara! Get us out of here. Hurry!” She pounded on the wall with both fists, her phone on the floor at her feet. Maybelle crowded close beside her, adding her howls to the racket. At last, spent and breathless, Agnes sank down beside her dog and cat. Clara’s […]

The Discovery
·Agnes descended step after slow step, gripping the side railing. Clara had a death grip on the back of Agnes’ shirt. Maybelle’s miserable howl sounded closer. Reaching the bottom, she shone her light around the basement. Where had the two animals gone? They had seemingly vanished. She shivered. It was cold down here and […]
Fred and Jake and the New House
·Fred the cat was happy in the tumbledown, comfortable house he shared with Jake. He liked the soft feel of the worn floor and the way that floor squeaked when Jake shuffled across it. He liked the sag in the ceiling and the way the light swayed and shadows danced when the wind blew hard […]

Star Spangled Cat
·In honor of the birthday of our National Anthem, I re-print my story about the cat who helped Mr. Key on his endeavor. Star Spangled Cat By Blanche Day Manos “What?” I screeched. “Go to sea? Are you crazy?” Every one of my gray and white hairs stood straight up. Reggie laughed. “You look […]
A Small, Gray Cat
This morning, a small gray cat is slipping quietly through my thoughts. I think of her often, D. C., the cat who was with us the longest. She was actually my son’s cat, but she and I understood each other. She could look at me and communicate that she would like a bite of food, […]