Christmas Eve I woke up this morning and sprang from my bed, with thoughts of a busy day rife in my head. On with the coffee pot, on with my blog; fill the bird feeders and also the dog. Quick, to the kitchen I go in a hurry; from counter to stove top I scoot […]
·Christmas is a time for traditions. One that I particularly like is lighting the Advent calendars. We started this practice several years ago. A grandchild lights a candle each Sunday leading up to Christmas as we read the appropriate Scripture and discuss the meaning of the four words and four candles, Hope, Peace, Joy, Love. […]

·The older I get, the more I value peace, the kind of peace that calms worry thoughts. To me, Christmas brings that kind of peace along with a quiet feeling of joy. I like to imagine the first Christmas night with Mary and Joseph, tired and amazed and filled with awe, gazing at the baby […]
Quiet Thoughts
·Our family has the tradition of lighting Advent candles on the Sundays before Christmas, then reading Scripture. The soft glow of the candle is peaceful and silent but it reflects a powerful message of hope and love. As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said, “For hate is strong, And mocks the song Of peace on earth, good-will […]

In the Midst of Glitter
·My street is dark this morning, colors are muted. Earlier, we had a bit of thunder and rain, and probably will have more today. My small Christmas tree on the porch glows brighter in the murkiness and the larger Christmas tree inside winks and blinks that it’s a special season of the year. Have you […]