Buz the Fox by Blanche Manos You see, it might have happened this way: once upon a time, about two thousand years ago, some foxes dwelt in the hill country and plains around Bethlehem. I hate to tell you this, but it was their custom to follow, at a discreet distance, the flocks of sheep […]

The Amazing Conclusion of Buz’s Story
·Slipping from bush to rock, Buz followed the shepherds. Every once in a while, the shepherds paused and pointed to the sky. At last, they stopped in front of a stable in Bethlehem. They spoke and someone inside the stable answered. Then, the shepherds slowly stepped inside. Did Buz dare get closer to these […]

Buz and the Wonderful Star
·A few years ago, I wrote a children’s imaginary tale about a fox and his trip to a manger in Bethlehem. I post it every year before Christmas. So, it’s that time again; the first part today, the conclusion tomorrow. I hope you and the child in your life enjoy it. Buz the Fox […]

Buz, the Hill Country Fox, Conclusion
·This is the conclusion to Buz, the Hilly Country Fox. I hope you enjoy it and maybe read it to a youngster in your life. Slipping from bush to rock, Buz followed the shepherds. Every once in a while, the shepherds would pause and point to the sky. At last, they stopped in front of […]

Buz, the Hill Country Fox
A few years ago, I wrote a children’s imaginary tale about a fox and how the birth of Christ changed him. I meant to illustrate the story and bind it into two small books: one for my grandchildren and one for the grandchildren of a dear friend. Somehow, even though I finished it, it was […]